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accuracy of quantum resonance magnetic analyzer

Why We Need of accuracy of quantum resonance magnetic analyzer

Why We Need of accuracy of quantum resonance magnetic analyzer

It is non-invasive and painless as no radiation and no blood drawn is required
It produces upto 41 health reports produced in just 2 minutes

Early Detection.

What Applications of accuracy of quantum resonance magnetic analyzer?

What Applications of accuracy of quantum resonance magnetic analyzer?

1, Health practitioners: Family doctors, acupuncturists, nutritional therapists,
reflexologies, alternative, naturopathic and holistic practitioners, etc.

2, Members of the Spa and Wellness Industry.

3, Corporations and communities who would like to have a general health
assessment of their employees or members without the need to expensive work
ups (even before they become grossly ill and in need of hospitalization or
expensive medications).

4,Companies that produce or sell health products.

5,Families who want to monitor the health condition of their members

How to use the accuracy of quantum resonance magnetic analyzer Setup and help function

How to use the accuracy of quantum resonance magnetic analyzer Setup and help function

System Setup

Mainly set up several personalized things of the system to make the testing result be more suitable for the customer’s own requirements. Orderly click each button (as the following picture) to enter “Show Report Setup”, “Parameter Setup” and “Sensitivity Adjustment”.
Display Report Setting: Select the wanted reports according to the customer’s requirements and screen the reports that are not required. Quantum BIO Electric SystemInstructions 19
Preferences: Set up whether the details of each parameter in the report are shown, and the details can be shown or not be shown.
Sensitivity Adjustment: Sensitivity adjustment is to adjust the sensitivity of the test rod of the instrument. For instance, if the instrument is particularly sensitive, the value will automatically run, so you can
appropriately lower the sensitivity; when the testing is difficult for some tested persons, you can appropriately increase the sensitivity.


After the button “Help” in the toolbar, the dialog box as shown in the following picture will appear.

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