MAIKONG-پروفيشنل ڪوانٽم گونج مقناطيسي تجزياتي سپلائر
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how quantum analyzer works?

August 21, 2017

1)Show the machine and accessories

Quantum Bio Electric Whole Health Analyzer AH Q10 2 Quantum Bio Electric Whole Health Analyzer AH Q10 3 Quantum Bio Electric Whole Health Analyzer AH Q10 5

Main machine.
Let’s see the machine details main board,USB cable,sensor,softdoy ,software.
softdog and softare ,softdog is like a key to open the software.
Sensor you will handle the sensor to take the test.
USB Cable
Connect with computer and machine.

2)Show how to connect the computer and install the driver.Show the accessories and intall the software (inser the softwre into computer)

Quantum Bio Electric Whole Health Analyzer AH Q10 6 Quantum Bio Electric Whole Health Analyzer AH Q10 7 Quantum Bio Electric Whole Health Analyzer AH Q10 4 Quantum Bio Electric Whole Health Analyzer AH Q10 9 Quantum Bio Electric Whole Health Analyzer AH Q10 10

1)intall the driver for the machine.
2)insert the sensor with the machine.
3)connect usb cable with the computer
4)insert the softdog into the computer.

3)show how to use the quantum bio electric health analyzer software.

1)open the software.
2)you can add a new customer.
3)start test,and hold the sensor please.
4)It take about 1 mins.
5)save the report in computer.
6)get the reports.
7)pint the report or save as PDF file or html file.

Quantum Bio Electric Whole Health Analyzer AH Q10 12

Quantum Bio Electric Whole Health Analyzer AH Q10 13 Quantum Bio Electric Whole Health Analyzer AH Q10 14 Quantum Bio Electric Whole Health Analyzer AH Q10 15

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