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Congo Soeur:Bonsoir,J’ai eu un souci car mon antivirus a effacé mon programme d’installation J’aimerais vous demander si vous pouvez m’envoyer le setup du quantum résonance magnetic analyzer 4.3.0
MAIKONG MARK:can you send me your machine and usb key picture?
Congo Soeur:Coach en bien-être ANNE DIANA la métisse la soeur ANNE N Ok Please
MAIKONG MARK:yes,which version you need? 2024 version french quantum analyzer is ok?4.3.0 version too old,it is about 2013-2015 version
Congo Soeur:It is quantum résonance magnetic analyzer version 4.3.0 copyright 2008-2017 heath leader
Congo Soeur:It s possible,I need it please,Can you send me here
MAIKONG MARK:french version URL have been sent,please download,unzip,install and test the quantuam nalayzer,i not sure your usb key can support our software or not, you cant test it ,if not ok,you can conatact yoour seller.
Congo Soeur:thank you