Cameroon H:Morning,Evening sir,Good evening dear Sir I am a customer of the quantum machine in Bertoua Cameroun but in the CD I can’t find ps the setup software to install thank you for helping me and I need a download link for the Quantum software version (4) 4.3.0
MARIKONG MARK:we not have 4.30 version,4.30 too old,our is 2024 version,do you want try?
Cameroon H:Yes please ,Version Française please
MARIKONG MARK:french 2024 have sent to you ,please download,unzip,install and test it.
Cameroon H:I’ll try, thank you,It won’t open,You have what is up to date in French
MARIKONG MARK:if you can’t open the software,that is your key not support our software,you can contact your seller
Cameroon H:Well, I’ll change the USB key a little,Thank you, I’ll get back to you tomorrow