Why Features harga quantum resonance magnetic analyzer malaysia?
Why Features harga quantum resonance magnetic analyzer malaysia?
How to use the harga quantum resonance magnetic analyzer malaysia Testing Procedures
How to use the harga quantum resonance magnetic analyzer malaysia Procedures
1.When the power supply of the computer is not turned on, inspect whether the computer, the sensor, the printer and other equipment are connected well; the probe of the tester must be plugged tightly;
2.Survey and record the basic conditions (name, sex, date of birth, etc.) of the tested person;
3.Start the computer and inspect whether the computer, the sensor the printerand other equipment run well;
4.Prompt the tested person to relax the feeling, not to speak and to keep steady breathing;
5.Require the tested person to grasp the test rod by the left or right hand;
6.Close all other application programs and open [Quantum BIO-Electric System] for testing.
7.During testing, the test person’s skin should not be touched; the hand should naturally press to grasp the test rod and not wobble.
8.After the testing is finished, the instrument should be cleaned to make it be in a good standby condition.
How to operation harga quantum resonance magnetic analyzer malaysia?
How to operation harga quantum resonance magnetic analyzer malaysia?
1) install software in PC
2) connect all of lines, such as USB Drive to PC, USB Key (open the software use), the metal stick line to Machine.
3) ouvrez le logiciel, pendant ce temps, remettez le bâton métallique et choisissez de commencer les tests.
4) 1 minute, le résultat du test s'affichera automatiquement.
How to use the harga quantum resonance magnetic analyzer malaysia Setup and help function
How to use the harga quantum resonance magnetic analyzer malaysia Setup and help function
System Setup
Mainly set up several personalized things of the system to make the testing result be more suitable for the customer’s own requirements. Orderly click each button (as the following picture) to enter “Show Report Setup”, “Parameter Setup” and “Sensitivity Adjustment”.
Display Report Setting: Select the wanted reports according to the customer’s requirements and screen the reports that are not required. Quantum BIO Electric System–Instructions 19
Preferences: Set up whether the details of each parameter in the report are shown, and the details can be shown or not be shown.
Sensitivity Adjustment: Sensitivity adjustment is to adjust the sensitivity of the test rod of the instrument. For instance, if the instrument is particularly sensitive, the value will automatically run, so you can
appropriately lower the sensitivity; when the testing is difficult for some tested persons, you can appropriately increase the sensitivity.
After the button “Help” in the toolbar, the dialog box as shown in the following picture will appear.