MAIKONG-Fournisseur professionnel d'analyseurs magnétiques à résonance quantique
  • Caractéristiques
quantum health analyzer machine

machine d'analyse de santé quantique

quantum health analyzer machine

machine d'analyse de santé quantique

quantum health analyzer machine

machine d'analyse de santé quantique

quantum health analyzer machine

machine d'analyse de santé quantique

quantum health analyzer machine

machine d'analyse de santé quantique

quantum health analyzer machine what it?

quantum health analyzer machine involves high-tech innovation projects of medicine, bio-informatics, electrical engineering and other sciences. Using the quantum medicine as the theoretical basis, it applies the advanced electronic equipment to collect the weak magnetic field of human cells for scientific analysis, thereby analyzing and determining the tested person’s health status and main problems and putting forward standard prevention recommendations. [quantum health analyzer machine] is individualized guide of health care consultation for full body and forward health science, and has the advantages of completeness, non-invasiveness, practicality, simplicity, fastness, economy, easy popularization, etc. With the depth and development of scientific research, it will make a greater contribution for the cause of human health, having a broad development and application prospect.

quantum health analyzer machine reports

Problems detects by Quantum Health Analyzer(41 Test Reports)
Cardiovascular and cerebrovascular
Fonction gastro-intestinale
Fonction hépatique
Fonction de la vésicule biliaire
Fonction pancréatique
Fonction rénale
Fonction pulmonaire
Nerf cérébral
Maladie osseuse
Densité minérale osseuse
1Rheumatoid bone disease
Qualité physique de base
Toxine humaine
Heavy Metals
Acide aminé
Système endocrinien
Système immunitaire
Indice de croissance osseuse
Sperms and semen
3Blood lipids
Cycle menstruel
Élément humain
Canaux et garanties
Pouls du cœur et du cerveau
Lipides sanguins
Test report with Expert Advice (Comprehensive Report)
4Thyroid function
Large intestine function

quantum health analyzer machine

machine d'analyse de santé quantique

quantum health analyzer machine

machine d'analyse de santé quantique

How to use quantum health analyzer machine?

1, Insert the USB interface to connect to computer.Put the CD in CD-driver and
install the software.

2.Insert the encryption key (USB interface) to computer then run the software and
fill in the information of patient,such as name,age,gender

3.Let the patient hold the sensor close

4. Then click on the instruction to start the test

5.Get the result and suggestions for the patient

6.The test report can be printed on paper.

How to get the quantum health analyzer machine Obtaining the Report

(1)After the test is finished, the system will automatically enter the person management interface and select the just tested person and the “test record”. Click the button “Get Report”, the system will auto matically judge, read
out, analyze and obtain the report.
(2)The left side a list of all reports, the right details for a report, click on the left you can switch between different reports, the bottom right there is a Quantum BIO Electric System–Instructions “bulletin de notes complet” button, Click the button to get all the reports will be integrated report
(3)If the report as shown in the last picture, the report can be shown in a full page and printed, and you can write out a prescription.
(4)After click the button “Show in a Full Page”, the report as shown in the following picture will appear, and the report can be operated, such as “print”, “preview”, “save”, “page setup” (as the fo
llowing picture), etc. Quantum BIO Electric System–Instructions

(5)The Comparative Analyzer refers to that u choose the two analysis reports random of same person, then click the COMPARATIVE ANALYZER, that will show the two reportscomparative.

quantum health analyzer machine

machine d'analyse de santé quantique

quantum health analyzer machine

machine d'analyse de santé quantique

quantum health analyzer machine

machine d'analyse de santé quantique


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