What is quantum magnetic resonance analyzer ?

C'est un système complet de diagnostic et de thérapie
* L'électrothérapie par ordinateur et l'acupuncture fournit la thérapie à travers les points d'acupcondeaux dans les parties en projection du corps, en réajustant les fonctions des organes pathologiques.
Traitement automatique – Sélection automatique des points d'acupuncture
La recherche scientifique découvre que la bio-résistance du point d'acupuncture est plus faible que la peau ordinaire. De plus, lorsqu'un organe a un changement pathologique, la résistance bioélectrique du point auriculaire correspondant encore plus bas que sain, en utilisant cette machine pour détecter et traiter, le flux de courant biologique vers ce point sera amélioré, puis entrera en stimulation alarmante ou forte. Il s'agit de la théorie de la conception de la machine, également la théorie de la thérapie du détection de l'auto-alarme et du point de traitement automatique.
Cela utilise le principe selon lequel la résistance électrique des points d'acupuncture pathologique le long des canaux affectés est inférieur à la peau environnante et le courant électrique recherche ces points sur la peau et envoie des impulsions électriques qui coulent le long de ces canaux. Électrodes en apposition étroite avec l'oreille externe Sélectionnez ces points automatiquement. La peau n'est pas perforée et il n'y a pas d'effets secondaires.
Le stimulateur fournit la thérapie à travers les points d'acupuncture dans les parties projetées du corps, draguant les canaux et les points, en réajustant les fonctions des organes pathologiques en renforçant la vitalité biologique cellulaire, en augmentant les circulations sanguines, en construisant un système immunitaire fort, en gardant le corps dans un environnement équilibré. Différente du traitement temporaire de la médecine occidentale, l'appareil Medicomat est une solution permanente dédiée à la restauration des fonctions équilibrées des organes humains.
L'utilisateur n'a pas besoin d'avoir une connaissance des points d'acupuncture, et la seule action qu'il doit entreprendre est l'ajustement de l'intensité de l'impulsion électrique selon sa tolérance.
Analyseur de thérapie quantique 2 en 1 Fonction: analyseur de santé magnétique quantique avec fonctions de massothérapie de la thérapie, massage thérapeutique des pieds de pantoufle, oreille et mains les points d'acupuncture stimulation

Quantum Health Analyzer Product Description:
The Quantum Magnetic Resonance Analyzer replaces the need for ultrasonic, nuclear magnetic resonance or radiography for various health related conditions. Simply by holding sensors in your palm, health data will be collected within minutes from various body systems. The magnetic resonance analyzer offers new advantages in the field of material analysis. It has been shown that the applicability of such an analyzer exceeds the range of tissue analysis and other medical applications. The magnetic resonance analyzer measures the degree and type of response of a matter under test, and by comparison with reference matter it assists in recognizing deviations from the desired response. Quantum Magnetic Analyzer: Principle of Analysis
Le corps humain est un agrégat de nombreuses cellules, qui se développent en continu, se divisent, se régénèrent et meurent. En se séparant, les cellules se renouvellent. Pour les adultes, environ 25 millions de cellules se divisent chaque seconde et les cellules sanguines se renouvellent constamment à un rythme d'environ 100 millions par minute. Dans le processus de séparation cellulaire et de renouvellement, les corps chargés de noyau et d'électrons extranucléaires comme unité de base d'une cellule se déplacent et changent sans cesse à grande vitesse, émettant des ondes électromagnétiques sans interruption. Les signaux des ondes électromagnétiques émis par les corps humains représentent la condition spécifique du corps humain et, par conséquent, différents signaux d'ondes électromagnétiques seront émis par les conditions de bonne santé, de sous-santé, de maladies, etc. Les conditions de vie peuvent être analysées si Ces signaux d'ondes électromagnétiques spécifiques peuvent être analysés.
The quantum resonant magnetic analyzer is a new instrument to analyze such phenomenon. The weak magnetic frequency and energy of human body are collected by holding the sensor, and after amplification by the instrument and treatment by the built-in micro-processor, the data are compared with the standard quantum resonant spectrum of diseases, nutrition and other indicators incorporated in the instrument to judge whether the sample waveforms are irregular using the Fourier approach. Analysis and judgment can thus be made on health condition and main problems of the testee based on the result of waveform analysis, as well as standard protective and curative proposals. Analysis Items
La méthode d'analyse magnétique résonante quantique est une méthode de test spectrale rapide, précise et non invasive et particulièrement adaptée à la comparaison des effets curatifs de médecine et de produits de santé, et de vérifier les conditions de sous-santé. Les principaux éléments de l'analyse sont supérieurs à 30, notamment la condition cardiovasculaire et cérébrovasculaire, la densité minérale osseuse, les oligo-éléments, le plomb sanguin, les rhumatismes, le trottoir pulmonaire et respiratoire, la néphropathie, la sucre dans le sang, l'estomac et les intestins, le foie et la galle, les nerfs crâniens, la gynécologie, la prostate , maladie osseuse, les oligo-éléments du sélénium, du fer, du zinc et du calcium, etc.

How quantum magnetic resonance analyzer work?
Bioelectromagnetism (sometimes equated with bioelectricity) refers to the electrical, magnetic or electromagnetic fields produced by living cells, tissues or organisms. Examples include the cell membrane potential and the electric currents that flow in nerves and muscles, as a result of action potentials.
Reference: Jaakko Malmivuo, Robert Plonsey, Bioelectromagnetism: Principles and Applications of Bioelectric and Biomagnetic Fields. Oxford University Press. New York, Oxford. 1995. Introduction.
With an accuracy rate of up to 85%, the QRMA’s sensitivity provides a view of potential precursors to chronic disease by detecting 10 or more cells in a disease state. Early detection of potential disease enables practitioners and their clients to establish strategies to return the body to a balanced state.
How to use the quantum analyzer software (software use step)
1)Enter the system
Click “Program-> Quantum BIO-Electric System-> Quantum BIO-Electric System”, or directly and doubly click the shortcut icon (the following picture) of [Quantum BIO-Electric System] on the table;
2)Main interface
The meridian testing main interface is as shown in the following picture. System Interface Quantum BIO Electric System–Instructions Personnel management interface Click the button “Personnel Management” in the toolb
ar, so the window “Personnel Management” will appear (as shown in the following picture). This window mainly manages the basic information of all the tested persons, wherein the left side shows the customer’s manageme
nt files, and the right side shows the selected customer’s “basic information” and “testing record”.
(1)Customer’s file management Mainly manage the customer’s information, mainly including:
(2)“Add” tested persons and groups
(3)“Modify” the information of the tested persons and groups
(4) “Delete” the information of the tested persons and groups
(5)“Inquire” the tested persons Quantum BIO Electric System–Instructions
(6)Personnel management Mainly divide the customers into several groups to be easy to manage the customers. Click the button “Add” in the groups to add the group. (As the below picture) Click the button “Save” to add the ne
w group. Click the button “Modify” to modify the name of the group, and click the button “Delete” to delete the group.(Note: if there are persons in the group, you must delete the tested persons first and then delete the group.)
3)Tested person management
Click the name of group on the left side to make it become blue, and then click the button “Add” in the tested person part (as shown in the right picture), so that the new persons are added into the corresponding group. The information of the tested person is as shown in the following picture. Orderly input name, sex, date of birth (in the order of year-month-date), stature, weight and other necessary information, an
d then click the button “Save”. (Note: name, sex, date of birth, stature and weight must be input, and other information may not be input.); Quantum BIO Electric System–Instructions
4)Testing record management
Mainly manage the testing records of the customers (See the below picture for details), mainly including the contents of testing date, testing time, name, age, sex, etc. Click the corresponding customer on the left side, so the details of all the testing records of the customer will appear (to be arrayed in the reverse chronological order). Start testing Select the tested person on the left side to make it become blue, then click the button “Quantum Testing” in the toolbar, so the content as shown in the following picture will appear; click the button “Start Testing” on the picture; Quantum BIO Electric System–Instructions
(1)Testing process
Prompt the tested person to grasp the test rod by the left or right hand. And put pad on the head. In the testing process, the tested person should relax feeling, not speak, and keep breathing balance;
(2)Finish testing
After the test is finished, click the button “Save”.
Obtention du rapport

How to use the Quantum Testing Procedures
1.When the power supply of the computer is not turned on, inspect whether the computer, the sensor, the printer and other equipment are connected well; the probe of the tester must be plugged tightly;
2.Survey and record the basic conditions (name, sex, date of birth, etc.) of the tested person;
3.Start the computer and inspect whether the computer, the sensor the printerand other equipment run well;
4.Prompt the tested person to relax the feeling, not to speak and to keep steady breathing;
5.Require the tested person to grasp the test rod by the left or right hand;
6.Close all other application programs and open [Quantum BIO-Electric System] for testing.
7.During testing, the test person’s skin should not be touched; the hand should naturally press to grasp the test rod and not wobble.
8.After the testing is finished, the instrument should be cleaned to make it be in a good standby condition.
quantum magnetic resonance analyzer resports
49 reports covering all body systems.
Separate reports are produced for male and female reproductive systems. Quantum magnetic resonance analysis can be used in conjunction with other analysis tools provides practitioners with a detailed overview of their client’s health status.
Sample report is provided below, demonstrating the depth and detail of information available to the practitioner. Please note the test results generated by this system are for reference only and not to be used as a diagnostic conclusion.
1: Cardiovascular and cerebrovascular
2: Gastrointestinal function
3: Liver function
4: Gallbladder function
5: Pancreatic function
6:kidney function
7:lung function
8:brain nerve
9:bone disease
10:bone mineral density
11:Rheumatoid bone disease
12:bone growth index
13:Blood sugar
14:Trace element
16:Amino Acid
18:Endocrine system
19:Immune system
20:Human toxin
21:Heavy Metal
22:Basic physical quality
27:large intestine function
30:Channels and collaterals
31:pulse of heart and brain
32:Blood lipids
34:Male sexual function(male)
35:Sperm and semen(male)
36:Element of human
37:Gynecology (female)
38:menstrual cycle(female)
41:Trace element
43:Amino Acid
45:Comprehensive Report Card

analyseur de résonance magnétique quantique FDA
In Part Seven of the Public Health Act 2012, Act 851 section 81, The object of the FDA is clearly stated as; to provide and enforce standards for the sale of food, herbal medicinal products, cosmetics, drugs, medical devices and household chemical substances.
One Function of FDA as stated in section 82 of the same Act 851 is to ensure adequate and effective standards for food, drugs, cosmetics, household chemicals and medical devices.
The question arises now is; has the FDA certified the use of quantum magnetic resonance analyzer as a medical device for use in this country?? What is the modus operandi of the device?? Considering the very fact that the manufacturers of quantum magnetic resonance analyzer have issued a disclaimer casting a shadow of doubt on the integrity of the device.
Someone said, “Great claims require great proof.’ If someone tells you something that flies in the face of what the rest of human history has experienced, they should back up what they say”.
This quantum magnetic resonance analyzer product is SCAM and therefore offers lies and false hope.
If anyone has objections agreeing to the fact that it’s a scam then please do come up with enough scientific and practically tested proofs to support quantum magnetic resonance analyzer usage in healthcare.
analyseur de résonance magnétique quantique
analyseur de résonance magnétique quantique FDA
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