What is quantum body analyzer?
analyseur de corps quantique
What is quantum body analyzer- [quantum body analyzer] involves high-tech innovation projects of medicine, bio-informatics, electrical engineering and other sciences. Using the quantum medicine as the theoretical basis, it applies the advanced electronic equipment to collect the weak magnetic field of human cells for scientific analysis, thereby analyzing and determining the tested person’s health status and main problems and putting forward standard prevention recommendations. [quantum body analyzer] is individualized guide of health care consultation for full body and forward health science, and has the advantages of completeness, non-invasiveness, practicality, simplicity, fastness, economy, easy popularization, etc. With the depth and development of scientific research, it will make agreater contribution for the cause of human health, having a broad development and application prospect.
analyseur de corps quantique
machine d'analyse de corps quantique
prix de l'analyseur de corps quantique
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What is original software quantum body analyzer
Free download original software quantum body analyzer with 49 reports
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The quantum body analyzer replaces the need for ultrasonic, nuclear magnetic resonance or radiography for various health related conditions. Simply by holding sensors in your palm, health data will be collected within minutes from various body systems. The magnetic resonance analyzer offers new advantages in the field of material analysis. It has been shown that the applicability of such an analyzer exceeds the range of tissue analysis and other medical applications. The magnetic resonance analyzer measures the degree and type of response of a matter under test, and by comparison with reference matter it assists in recognizing deviations from the desired response.
How quantum body analyzer work?
How does quantum body analyzer work?-quantum body analyzer (sometimes equated with bioelectricity) refers to the electrical, magnetic or electromagnetic fields produced by living cells, tissues or organisms. Examples include the cell membrane potential and the electric currents that flow in nerves and muscles, as a result of action potentials.
Reference: Jaakko Malmivuo, Robert Plonsey, quantum body analyzer: Principles and Applications of Bioelectric and Biomagnetic Fields. Oxford University Press. New York, Oxford. 1995. Introduction.
With an accuracy rate of up to 85%, the QRMA’s sensitivity provides a view of potential precursors to chronic disease by detecting 10 or more cells in a disease state. Early detection of potential disease enables practitioners and their clients to establish strategies to return the body to a balanced state.
How to install quantum body analyzer and how to use the quanatum analyzer?
1.Installation method
-Put the CD in computer,and the system will run automatically,Then just click next step-next step—finish.
-After the installation is finish,If you want to use it you need to plug USB,it is very important,and all the records are saved in this USB,you can copy and print the record in your computer.
2.The Tough Using method
– Double click the icon of cenation analyzer,you will see the interface of this system .
– To adjust some information which will be suitable for you .
– Put your hand to hold the stick,but according to your Sex,the side you need to hold is different,the woman need to hold on the right side ,however,the man need to hold on the left side, as picture:
-Fill in the name of the person who need to be inspected,you can build a new group for your different kind of patients.
-Press save button ,to save the record,and you can print it if you need.
– After you checked your body ,because it has specialist’s recommendations in this system you just need to choose “yes”,the system will tell as the condition for your body now and teach your now to impove it .
3.Guidelines :
– Test should be conducted 1 hour before or after meal.
– Reposez-vous au moins ½ heure après l'exercice
– Remove all metallic objects, hand phone, pocket PC etc
– Retirer les chaussures & socks, Reveal all the 24 testing points around the wrists and ankles
– Stay calm, relax, do not talk. Lie down if possible, both legs away from the ground
– Ladies should not take up the test during menstrual period. Patients who are wearing pacemakers is prohibited to do the test.
– Ensure DMS probe is properly connected to the computer / note book
– Key in personal information of patients correctly – Name, sex, date of birth, height,
weight, contact number
– Stérilisez la peau du patient sur et autour des points méridiens avec un tampon imbibé d'alcool.
– Wet a small cotton ball with saline water and place at the tip of the probe (cotton should protrude about 1 to 2 mm above the probe)
– The cotton ball should be intact at all times. Wear gloves
– Placez le capteur de forme ronde sur la main gauche du patient
– Hold your probe firmly. Place the probe on the meridian points with moderate force
– Ne pas avoir de contact physique avec le patient
– Start your test on patient’s right hand, then right leg, followed by left hand, then left leg.
4.Those people not suitable to use this machine
– Children below 12 years
– Personne handicapée
– Ceux qui portent un stimulateur cardiaque
– Sous traitement à long terme
– Femmes ayant leurs règles
How to install quantum body analyzer and how to use the quantum body analyzer?
1.Installation method
-Put the CD in computer,and the system will run automatically,Then just click next step-next step—finish.
-After the installation is finish,If you want to use it you need to plug USB,it is very important,and all the records are saved in this USB,you can copy and print the record in your computer.
2.The Tough Using method
– Double click the icon of cenation analyzer,you will see the interface of this system .
– To adjust some information which will be suitable for you .
– Put your hand to hold the stick,but according to your Sex,the side you need to hold is different,the woman need to hold on the right side ,however,the man need to hold on the left side, as picture:
-Fill in the name of the person who need to be inspected,you can build a new group for your different kind of patients.
-Press save button ,to save the record,and you can print it if you need.
– After you checked your body ,because it has specialist’s recommendations in this system you just need to choose “yes”,the system will tell as the condition for your body now and teach your now to impove it .
3.Guidelines :
– Test should be conducted 1 hour before or after meal.
– Reposez-vous au moins ½ heure après l'exercice
– Remove all metallic objects, hand phone, pocket PC etc
– Retirer les chaussures & socks, Reveal all the 24 testing points around the wrists and ankles
– Stay calm, relax, do not talk. Lie down if possible, both legs away from the ground
– Ladies should not take up the test during menstrual period. Patients who are wearing pacemakers is prohibited to do the test.
– Ensure DMS probe is properly connected to the computer / note book
– Key in personal information of patients correctly – Name, sex, date of birth, height,
weight, contact number
– Stérilisez la peau du patient sur et autour des points méridiens avec un tampon imbibé d'alcool.
– Wet a small cotton ball with saline water and place at the tip of the probe (cotton should protrude about 1 to 2 mm above the probe)
– The cotton ball should be intact at all times. Wear gloves
– Placez le capteur de forme ronde sur la main gauche du patient
– Hold your probe firmly. Place the probe on the meridian points with moderate force
– Ne pas avoir de contact physique avec le patient
– Start your test on patient’s right hand, then right leg, followed by left hand, then left leg.
4.Those people not suitable to use this machine
– Children below 12 years
– Personne handicapée
– Ceux qui portent un stimulateur cardiaque
– Sous traitement à long terme
– Femmes ayant leurs règles
How to get the quantum body analyzer Obtaining the Report
(1)After the test is finished, the system will automatically enter the person management interface and select the just tested person and the “test record”. Click the button “Get Report”, the system will auto matically judge, read
out, analyze and obtain the report.
(2)The left side a list of all reports, the right details for a report, click on the left you can switch between different reports, the bottom right there is a quantum body analyzer–Instructions “bulletin de notes complet” button, Click the button to get all the reports will be integrated report
(3)If the report as shown in the last picture, the report can be shown in a full page and printed, and you can write out a prescription.
(4)After click the button “Show in a Full Page”, the report as shown in the following picture will appear, and the report can be operated, such as “print”, “preview”, “save”, “page setup” (as the fo
llowing picture), etc. quantum body analyzer–Instructions
(5)The Comparative Analyzer refers to that u choose the two analysis reports random of same person, then click the COMPARATIVE ANALYZER, that will show the two reports’ comparative.
quantum body analyzer FDA’S MANDATE?
In Part Seven of the Public Health Act 2012, Act 851 section 81, The object of the FDA is clearly stated as; to provide and enforce standards for the sale of food, herbal medicinal products, cosmetics, drugs, medical devices and household chemical substances.
One Function of FDA as stated in section 82 of the same Act 851 is to ensure adequate and effective standards for food, drugs, cosmetics, household chemicals and medical devices.
The question arises now is; has the FDA certified the use of quantum body analyzer as a medical device for use in this country?? What is the modus operandi of the device?? Considering the very fact that the manufacturers of quantum body analyzer have issued a disclaimer casting a shadow of doubt on the integrity of the device.
Someone said, “Great claims require great proof.’ If someone tells you something that flies in the face of what the rest of human history has experienced, they should back up what they say”.
This quantum body analyzer product is SCAM and therefore offers lies and false hope.
If anyone has objections agreeing to the fact that it’s a scam then please do come up with enough scientific and practically tested proofs to support quantum body analyzer usage in healthcare.
Who to use the quantum body analyzer?
Who and Where need quantum body analyzer Application ?- This instrument is an ideal promotion tool for beauty salon, SPA club, clinics, health examination center, health food/nutrition supplement/health care products shop, direct selling, massage center, etc.