What reports and what Languages of longreen quantum magnetic resonance analyzer?
What reports and what Languages of longreen quantum magnetic resonance analyzer?
45 Berichte:
1 Cardiovascular and Cerebrovascular 2 Gastrointestinal Function 3 Liver Function 4 Large Intestine Function
5 Gallbladder Function 6 Pancreatic Function 7 Kidney Function 8 Lung Function
9 Brain Nerve 10 Bone Disease 11 Bone Mineral Density 12 Rheumatoid Bone Disease
13 Bone Growth Index 14 Blood Sugar 15 Trace Element 16 Vitamin
17 Amino Acid 18 Coenzyme 19 Fatty acid 20 Endocrine System
21 Immune System 22 Thyroid 23 Human Toxin 24 Heavy Metal
25 Basic Physical Quality 26 Allergy 27 Obesity 28 Skin
29 Eye 30 Collagen 31 Channels and collaterals 32 Pulse of heart and brain
33 Blood lipids 34 Element of Human 35 Gynecology (female) 36 Breast (female)
37 Menstrual cycle (female) 38 Prostate (male) 39 Male Sexual Function (male) 40 Sperm and semen (male)
41 ADHD (Children) 42 Expert analysis 43 Hand analysis 44 Compositive Report
45 Comprehensive Report
Multiple Languages version for choose:
Polish German French Korean
Dutch Czech Romanian Malay
Portuguese Japanese Slovakia Spanish
Indonesian English Russian Serbian
Hungarian Vietnamese Chineae Thailand
How to use the longreen quantum magnetic resonance analyzer Testing Procedures
How to use the longreen quantum magnetic resonance analyzer Procedures
1.When the power supply of the computer is not turned on, inspect whether the computer, the sensor, the printer and other equipment are connected well; the probe of the tester must be plugged tightly;
2.Survey and record the basic conditions (name, sex, date of birth, etc.) of the tested person;
3.Start the computer and inspect whether the computer, the sensor the printerand other equipment run well;
4.Prompt the tested person to relax the feeling, not to speak and to keep steady breathing;
5.Require the tested person to grasp the test rod by the left or right hand;
6.Close all other application programs and open [Quantum BIO-Electric System] for testing.
7.During testing, the test person’s skin should not be touched; the hand should naturally press to grasp the test rod and not wobble.
8.After the testing is finished, the instrument should be cleaned to make it be in a good standby condition.
What longreen quantum magnetic resonance analyzer Testing Technician’s Duties?
What longreen quantum magnetic resonance analyzer Testing Technician’s Duties?
1. The test technique of [Quantum Resonance Magnetic Analyser] is very accurate, so the testing technician must learn with effort and an open mind, actively accumulate experience and continuously improve the test technique.
2. During work, the testing technician should be in peace of mind and be kind, treat the tested person compassionately, earnestly and correctly operate and accurately select the point.
3. Before testing, the testing technician should measure the tested person’s stature, weight, blood pressure and pulse and record the relevant items.
4. The testing technician should be responsible for cleaning, maintaining and storing the tester and the relevant equipment of Quantum Resonance Magnetic Analyser.
What Applications longreen quantum magnetic resonance analyzer?
What Applications longreen quantum magnetic resonance analyzer?
Quantum resonance magnetic analyzer is an ideal promotion tool for beauty salon, SPA club, clinics, health examination centre, health food/nutrition suppliment/health care products shop, direct selling, massage center, etc. The operator can write out prescription based on testing reports. It’s also suitable for family use.