MAIKONG-Fornecedor profissional de analisador magnético de ressonância quântica

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Quantum health analysis

Quantum health analysis

Quantum health analysis

Quantum health analysis

Quantum health analysis

Quantum health analysis

What is Quantum health analysis?

The Quantum health analysis is a high-tech innovation that combines the best of medicine, bio-informatics, electrical engineering and other sciences. Applying quantum medicine as the theoretical basis, this advanced electronic equipment collects the weak magnetic field of human cells for scientific analysis, thereby analyzing and determining a person’s health status and main problems and putting forward standard prevention recommendations. It gives 49 health reports in just 2 minutes, targets health problem at the cellular level.

Free download original software quantum resonance magnetic analyzer with 49 reports
Language English,Spanish,French,Malay,Portuguese,German,Thai, Vietnamese,Slovak,Serbian,Romanian, Indonesian,Chinese,Korean


The Quantum health analysis replaces the need for ultrasonic, nuclear magnetic resonance or radiography for various health related conditions. Simply by holding sensors in your palm, health data will be collected within minutes from various body systems. The magnetic resonance analyzer offers new advantages in the field of material analysis. It has been shown that the applicability of such an analyzer exceeds the range of tissue analysis and other medical applications. The magnetic resonance analyzer measures the degree and type of response of a matter under test, and by comparison with reference matter it assists in recognizing deviations from the desired response.


What reports and what Languages of Quantum health analysis?

45 Reports:

1 Cardiovascular and Cerebrovascular 2 Gastrointestinal Function 3 Liver Function 4 Large Intestine Function
5 Gallbladder Function 6 Pancreatic Function 7 Kidney Function 8 Lung Function
9 Brain Nerve 10 Bone Disease 11 Bone Mineral Density 12 Rheumatoid Bone Disease
13 Bone Growth Index 14 Blood Sugar 15 Trace Element 16 Vitamin
17 Amino Acid 18 Coenzyme 19 Fatty acid 20 Endocrine System
21 Immune System 22 Thyroid 23 Human Toxin 24 Heavy Metal
25 Basic Physical Quality 26 Allergy 27 Obesity 28 Skin
29 Eye 30 Collagen 31 Channels and collaterals 32 Pulse of heart and brain
33 Blood lipids 34 Element of Human 35 Gynecology (female) 36 Breast (female)
37 Menstrual cycle (female) 38 Prostate (male) 39 Male Sexual Function (male) 40 Sperm and semen (male)
41 ADHD (Children) 42 Expert analysis 43 Hand analysis 44 Compositive Report
45 Comprehensive Report

Multiple Languages version for choose:
Polish German French Korean
Dutch Czech Romanian Malay
Portuguese Japanese Slovakia Spanish
Indonesian English Russian Serbian
Hungarian Vietnamese Chineae Thailand

Quantum health analysis

Quantum health analysis

Quantum health analysis

Quantum health analysis

Quantum health analysis

Quantum health analysis

Quantum health analysis: Are we safe?

This strange medical technology with a dubious history seems to be becoming increasingly popular in Ghana.

When my colleague wrapped a damp cloth around the sensor, it seemingly fooled the device into thinking that someone was holding the probe. The machine started happily generating a “health report”. According to the QRMA machine, the cloth had various minor ailments, including “moderately abnormal” cardiovascular health, high liver fat, etc.

Sample of health reports generated after Quantum health analysis whole body scan

So it appears that the ‘sensor’ acts merely as a switch, that detects the presence of a hand where does the health reports come from, then? I believe the health reports are actually randomly generated by the software that comes with the device. It generates health conditions that will seem plausible given the background information about the patient that the user provided.

In summary, it appears the “quantum resonance” medical devices on the market today, may not be providing any useful medical information. Until this technology has been properly validated, we cannot trust any QRMA device with the job of assessing our health.

It is true that traditional Western medicine leaves a lot to be desired. That does not change the fact that there are a lot of people in this world who want to take advantage of our insecurities, our ill health, our fragile minds, etc. so that they can become wealthy overnight.

According to David B. Chalpin, MD (Diagnostic Radiologist, USA): “this ‘quantum resonance magnetic analyzerdevice! Is 100% quack medicine”

How to know ORIGINAL version or COPY version?

With our Quantum health analysis development, some copy edition (crack edition ) also appear constantly. So improve our ability to distinguish is very important.

The suggestion of MK quantum software Engineering Experts give us how to distinguish the genuine and crack as follows:

1,The crack edition, also called cloning edition, which some businesses decoding for security key and software of the original genuine software, then cloning or copy it.

2,The genuine software can adjust any parts to adapt all kinds new software and operating system for clients to upgrade, while the cloning one just only can adjust sample film of what their decoded , as interface graph, suggestion and so on..

3, the most of crack editions are incompatible with WIN7,what’s more, those crack editions always carry with virus.

4, in order to sell with more lower price , the crack edition business have to reduce the cost of hardware so that the quality is poor. The lift of crack editions’ chips and accessories crack editions’ is very shot.

5,Sale support, our Original software factory can give your best service.

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