MAIKONG-Fornecedor profissional de analisador magnético de ressonância quântica

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What is quantum health detection system


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The quantum health detection system replaces the need for ultrasonic, nuclear magnetic resonance or radiography for various health related conditions. Simply by holding sensors in your palm, health data will be collected within minutes from various body systems. The magnetic resonance analyzer offers new advantages in the field of material analysis. It has been shown that the applicability of such an analyzer exceeds the range of tissue analysis and other medical applications. The magnetic resonance analyzer measures the degree and type of response of a matter under test, and by comparison with reference matter it assists in recognizing deviations from the desired response.

*Prediction without symptoms: With only 10 or so cells of pathological change, the analyzer can capture the change pathological changes of cells and predict the precursor of disease. By taking health-care actions at this moment, you will be enabled to effectively prevent the various chronic diseases.
*Speed and accuracy: Multiple indicators of your health can be obtained within minutes.
This analysis method is designed to save your time and energy. The database of the analysis system has been established with scientific method, strict health statistic treatment and demonstration of a large number of clinical cases, leading thus to a high analysis accuracy.
*Non-invasive and painless: The analysis will tell you the condition of your health without hemanalysis or radiography.
*Simple and convenient: It is easy in operation and in general, people will be able to analyze and interpret the result through short-term training. Health check can be performed in any place and at any time, saving the time of patients. The cost for analysis is adequate and can be accepted by most consumers.
*It can be connected to computer to show the test process.

How quantum health detection system work?

Bioelectromagnetism (sometimes equated with bioelectricity) refers to the electrical, magnetic or electromagnetic fields produced by living cells, tissues or organisms. Examples include the cell membrane potential and the electric currents that flow in nerves and muscles, as a result of action potentials.

Reference: Jaakko Malmivuo, Robert Plonsey, Bioelectromagnetism: Principles and Applications of Bioelectric and Biomagnetic Fields. Oxford University Press. New York, Oxford. 1995. Introduction.
With an accuracy rate of up to 85%, the quantum health detection system’s sensitivity provides a view of potential precursors to chronic disease by detecting 10 or more cells in a disease state. Early detection of potential disease enables practitioners and their clients to establish strategies to return the body to a balanced state.

quantum weak magnetic resonance analyzer

quantum weak magnetic resonance analyzer

quantum weak magnetic resonance analyzer

quantum weak magnetic resonance analyzer

What is quantum health detection system Applications?

1,Health practitioners: Family doctors, acupuncturists, nutritional therapists, reflexologies, alternative, naturopathic and holistic practitioners, etc.
2 , Members of the Spa and Wellness Industry.

3, Corporations and communities who would like to have a general health assessment of their employees or members without the need to expensive work ups (even before they become grossly ill and in need of hospitalization or expensive medications).

4,Companies that produce or sell health products.

5,Families who want to monitor the health condition of their members
6, acupuncturist

How to use the quantum health detection system?

1) install software in PC

2) connect all of lines, such as USB Drive to PC, USB Key (open the software use), the metal stick line to Machine.

3) abra o software, enquanto isso, entregue o bastão de metal e escolha iniciar o teste.

4) 5 minutes, it will auto-show the test result.

This instrument is an ideal promotion tool for beauty salon, SPA club, clinics, health examination centre, health food/nutrition suppliment/health care products shop, direct selling, massage center, etc. The operator can write out prescription based on testing reports. Its also suitable for family use.

How to get the quantum health detection system price?

We are the supplier of quantum health detection system,if you need the quantum health detection system price or more info,please contact us.we will reply as soon as. you can pay by Paypal,TT,West Union. We offer OEM.

quantum diagnostic machine

quantum diagnostic machine

quantum body analyzer machine

quantum body analyzer machine

quantum body analyzer machine

quantum body analyzer machine

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