MAIKONG-profesionálny dodávateľ kvantového rezonančného magnetického analyzátora
  • Špecifikácie
quantum analysis software

quantum analysis software

quantum analysis software

quantum analysis software

How to Auto upgrade details to Latest quantum analyser software version?

* Software page adjust make it more professional * Customers information and record put on same page * Heavy metal add “aluminum” report

* Add fatty acid report

* Add expert analysis report and personal analysis report

* Can be saved as Web or PDF format

* Report saved as a whole report but not separately as 3rd generation

* Can control if display report, also can control if want to display children report

* Detecting page change, give report directly after testing

* Add graph, can control turn on/off

quantum analyser software

quantum analysis software

quantum analysis software

quantum analysis software

quantum analysis software

What reports quantum analyser software 41 Reports?

Problems detects by Quantum Health Analyzer(41 Test Reports)
Kardiovaskulárne a cerebrovaskulárne
Gastrointestinálna funkcia
Funkcia pečene
Funkcia žlčníka
Funkcia pankreasu
Funkcia obličiek
Funkcia pľúc
Mozgový nerv
Ochorenie kostí
Minerálna hustota kostí
1Rheumatoid bone disease
Krvný cukor
Základná fyzická kvalita
Ľudský toxín
Stopový prvok
Heavy Metals
Amino Acid
Endokrinný systém
Imunitný systém
Index rastu kostí
Sperms and semen
3Blood lipids
Menštruačný cyklus
Prvok človeka
Kanály a kolaterály
Pulz srdca a mozgu
Krvné lipidy
Test report with Expert Advice (Comprehensive Report)
4Thyroid function
Large intestine function

quantum analysis software

quantum analysis software

quantum analysis software

quantum analysis software

How to use quantum analyser software?

1, Insert the USB interface to connect to computer. Put the CD in CD-driver and install the software.
2. Insert the encryption key (USB interface) to computer then run the software and fill in the information of patient,such as name,age,gender
3. Let the patient hold the sensor close
4.Then click on the instruction to start the test
5. Get the result and suggestions for the patient
6. The test report can be printed on paper.

How to get the quantum analyser software?

We are the supplier of quantum analyser software,if you need the quantum analyser software price or more info,please contact us.we will reply as soon as. you can pay by Paypal,TT,West Union. We offer to get the software?

1) to get the download it.

2)contact us,to get the download url.

quantum analysis software

quantum analysis software

quantum analysis software

quantum analysis software

If You Have Any Question About Inquiries on our Products, Orders & Support please contact US.

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