MAIKONG-profesionálny dodávateľ kvantového rezonančného magnetického analyzátora


Quantum Resonance Magnetic Analyzer-Mini Portable

Anglický kvantový rezonančný magnetický analyzátor
  • Špecifikácie

m Resonance Magnetic Analyzer Mini Portable

Quantum Resonance Magnetic Analyzer-Mini Portable


Neinvazívne testovanie na bunkovej úrovni

When our health is not in good condition, our body will automatically give out certain alarms,

such as easy fatigue, body aches, headaches, insomnia, lack of appetite, depression, anxiety,

stress, fear, bad temper, palpitation, dizziness,inertia, and so on. People who have these symptoms are

determined to be in subhealth condition. The World Health Organization estimates that 10% of adults

worldwide belong to this group.

Is sub-health detectable? The answer is yes.

No longer will there be a need for ultrasonic, nuclear magnetic resonance or radiography
pri pomoci klientom zamerať sa na ich zdravotný stav.—-QRMA

1.What is Quantum Resonance Magnetic Analyzer ?
Quantum Resonance Magnetic Analyzer collect the weak magnetic field sensors of frequency and energy from human body through the hand grip sensor. Through the instrument magnifies and the computer processing ,compare with the disease set up inside the instrument install and standard quantum resonance spectrum, use the Fourier analysis method analysis if the sample wave pattern become chaotic.According to the results, make an analytic judgment for the person in state of health and primal problem, and put forward the standard advice for preventive treatment.
2.Regarding our products(QRMA):
Professional Edition:Have been added the products of various industries, such as , Perfect, Cosway. The usage and amount of the products formula in comprehensive report can be changed. What’s more,it can delete and add products batch and points two types of report:system setting, parameter setting. You can choose the prescription directly out by system or by hand from nutritionists. Therefore,it’s fit for new learners and senior nutritionists, you can according your own choice of the set,it’s easy to transform.
Different Language :We have development different language version such as English,Russian,Malaysia,Spanish,Korean,French,Thai,Chinese etc. At present,we have development the latest products: the 3rd generation,it have be increase more function and can be free upgrades forever.

Third generation Quantum Resonance Magnetic Analyzer feature:
1).Elegant appearance & prenosný & accurate.
2).The panel use “dvojjadrový”processor,more faster speed,more accurate data. 3) . Updated software interface, richer sense of science and technology, more easy to operation.
4). Increased the comparative analysis report, the results can be compared clearly.
5). The new test interface instructions are more clearly ,scientific and precise.
6). The report amount increase to 30.(male,female each for 28 items).The testing items are more abundant and detailing. Add the inspection reports for Coenzyme , Allergy ,Heavy metal,Vitamin, and Bone growth index on Original Basis.
7). The professinal edition of
Quantum Resonance Magenic Analyzer has added products’formular.
8). Rewrite internal data to judge center,and the accuracy of that report increased by more than 10%.
9). To improve the showing way of renal report, more convenient understanding for customers, it also improves the accuracy at the same time.
10). You can control the parameters and reference standards in the report for free,and more convenient and personalized.
11). It can save all reports by one times, and Comprehensive report will also be saved with a document.
12). Enjoy our software upgrade services for free forever.
13).Operation platform:Win2K/XP / 2003 / Vista/Win7 (32 bits and 64 bits)

3.Following are 31 tested reports:

1.-Cardiovascular and Cerebrovascular

2.-Gastrointestinal Function

3.-Liver Function

4.-Gallbladder Function

5.-Pancreatic Function

6.-Kidney Function

7.-Lung Function

8.-Brain Nerve

9.-Bone Disease

10.-Bone Mineral Density

11.-Rheumatoid Bone Disease

12.-Blood Sugar

13.-Basic Physical Quality

14.-Human Toxin

15.-Trace Element


17.-Male Sexual Function



20.-Endocrine System

21.-Immune System



24.-Amino Acid

25.-Bone Growth Index


27.-Heavy Metal



30.-Element of Human

31.-Comprehensive report

Tento prístroj je ideálnym propagačným nástrojom pre salón krásy, SPA klub, kliniky, zdravotné vyšetrovacie centrum, predajňu zdravej výživy/výživových doplnkov/zdravotných produktov, priamy predaj, masážne centrum atď. Operátor môže vypísať recept na základe testovacích správ. Je vhodný aj pre rodinné použitie.

The Quantum Resonance Magnetic Analyzer will your help clients take control of their own health

by producing 30, easy-to understand, reports reflecting various conditions of their body’s health systems.

Neinvazívne a bezbolestné… Analýza vám povie, v akom stave je zdravie vášho klienta bez

analýza krvi alebo rádiografia

… Žiadna radiácia – Bez odberu krvi… 30 Health Reports Produced In Just 1Minutes:

Žiadne čakanie na výsledky testov…
Whatever conventional testing method used, blood analysis or radiography, may take one, two,

or as long as three weeks to get results.

This can create depression and additional anxiety in anticipating the unknown. The quantum resonance

magnetic analyzer scans the body and will produce health reports in just 1 minutes.

All of the reports will be reviewed, compiled and can be presented to your client at the time of the


4.How to use the QRA with simple operation ways:
1) install software in PC

2) connect all of lines, such as USB Drive to PC, USB Key (open the software use), the metal stick line to Machine.

3) otvorte softvér, medzitým podajte kovovú tyč a vyberte možnosť začať testovať.

4) 1 minúta, automaticky sa zobrazí výsledok testu.

If You Have Any Question About Inquiries on our Products, Orders & Support please contact US.

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