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quantum resonance magnetic analyzer what it? What is quantum resonance magnetic analyzer?-A quick Google search of “quantum resonance magnetic analyzer (analizor magnetic cu rezonanță cuantică)” : and you’re told that it “replaces the need for ultrasonic, nuclear magnetic resonance or radiography for various health related conditions and quickly helps the practitioner target the cause and make beneficial recommendations helpful to their …
Quantum Resonance Magnetic Analyzer Kuantum Resonansi Analisa Magnetik Tubuh manusia adalah sekumpulan dari sejumlah besar sel yang terus beregenerasi (pertumbuhan dan diferensiasi), dan apoptosis. Dalam tubuh manusia dewasa terdapat sekitar 100 triliun sel yang masing-masing bekerja sesuai dengan fungsinya. Ada sekitar 25 juta sel dalam satu detiknya yang mengalami proses pembelahan dan pertumbuhan. Badan sel yang terdapat inti atom ini …
SISTEMA CUÁNTICO BIO-ELÉCTRICO Analisador Quântico de Ressonância Magnética É um instrumento desenhado para medir e prevenir qualquer enfermidade no corpo humano. Quando a nossa saúde não está em boas condições, o corpo irá automaticamente dar certos alarmes, tais como fadiga, dores no corpo, dores de cabeça, insónia, falta de apetite, depressão, ansiedade, stress, medo, mau humor, palpitação, tontura, inércia, etc. …