quantum resonance magnetic analyzer software download spanish quantum resonance magnetic analyzer software download spanish quantum resonance magnetic analyzer software download spanish What is Quantum Resonance Magnetic Analyzer? Quantum Resonance Magnetic Analyzer collects the frequency and energy from weak magnetic field of human body, then transfer the human body information to database by hand grip sensor. After comparing with the standarad …
What advantage of quantum analyzer? 1). Elegant appearance & portable & accurate. 2). The panel use “dual-core”processor, faster speed, more accurate data. 3). Updated software interface, richer sense of science and technology, more easy to operation. 4). Increased the comparative analysis report, the results can be compared clearly. 5). The new test interface instructions are more clearly, scientific and precise. …
what is how to QUANTENRESONANZ MAGNETISCHER ANALYSATOR? SISTEMA CUÁNTICO BIO-ELÉCTRICO Der menschliche Körper ist das Aggregat von einer großen Anzahl an Zellen, جيڪو اڻ سڌريل ترقي ۾ آهي, ترقي, فرق ڪرڻ, تجديد ۽ apoptosis, ۽ سيلز, مسلسل پاڻ کي پنهنجي تقسيم ذريعي تجديد. 25 Millionen Zellen teilen sich innerhalb einer Sekunde im Körper eines Erwachsenen und die Blutkörperchen des …
Quantum Resonance Magnetic Analyzer Kuantum Resonansi Analisa Magnetik Tubuh manusia adalah sekumpulan dari sejumlah besar sel yang terus beregenerasi (pertumbuhan dan diferensiasi), dan apoptosis. Dalam tubuh manusia dewasa terdapat sekitar 100 triliun sel yang masing-masing bekerja sesuai dengan fungsinya. Ada sekitar 25 juta sel dalam satu detiknya yang mengalami proses pembelahan dan pertumbuhan. Badan sel yang terdapat inti atom ini …
Quantum Resonance Magnetic Analyzer Quantum Analizor de Rezonanţă Magnetică Corpul uman este un agregat format dintr-un numar foarte mare de celule ce se afla intr-o continua miscare, dezvoltare, diferentiere, regenerare, degenerare. Celulele se reinnoiesc prin diviziune celulara, 25 de milioane de celule se divid intr-o secunda la un adult, iar la nivelul sangelui rata de multiplicare este de 100 de …