Operating system:Windows 98 SE, ME, 2000, XP, VISTA and Windows 7 32 bit & 64 bit, windows 8 windows 10
Principle of Analysis:Quantum Health Analyzer involves high-tech innovation projects of medicine, bio-informatics, electrical engineering and other sciences. Using the quantum medicine as the theoretical basis, it applies the advanced electronic equipment to collect the weak magnetic field of human cells for scientific analysis, thereby analyzing and determing the tested person’s health status and main problems. Prevention recommendations can be made based on the test reports. Quantum Health Analyzer is an instrument designed to check health and sub-health in a swift and non-invasive way. It has the advantages of completeness, sentido práctico, sencillez, fastness, economía, easy popularization, etc.. With the depth and development of scientific research, it will make a greater contribution for the cause of human health, having a broad development and application prospect. |
The Quantum Health Analyzer Have 41 Informes | |
1 Cardiovascular and Cerebrovascular | 22 Heavy Metal |
2 Gastrointestinal Function | 23 Basic Physical Quality |
3 Liver Function | 24 Allergy |
4 Large Intestine Function | 25 Obesity |
5 Gallbladder Function | 26 Skin |
6 Pancreatic Function | 27 Eye |
7 Kidney Function | 28 Collagen |
8 Lung Function | 29 Channels and collaterals |
9 Brain Nerve | 30 Pulse of heart and brain |
10 Bone Disease | 31 Blood lipids |
11 Bone Mineral Density | 32 Gynecology (female) |
12 Rheumatoid Bone Disease | 33 Breast (female) |
13 Bone Growth Index | 34 Menstrual cycle (female) |
14 Blood Sugar | 35 Prostate (male) |
15 Trace Element | 36 Male Sexual Function (male) |
16 Vitamin | 37 Sperm and semen (male) |
17 Aminoácido | 38 Element of Human |
18 Coenzyme | 39 Comprehensive Report |
19 Endocrine System | 40 Thyroid |
20 Sistema inmunitario | 41 ADHD (kids younger than 10 years old) |
21 Human Toxin |
Inglés,Alemán, portugués, Slovak ,Malasia, Español,coreano,Francés,tailandés, English-Malaysia, Chinese-Malaysia, English-Chinese etc.
1) install software in PC
2) conectar todas las líneas, como unidad USB a PC, llave USB (abrir el uso del software),
la línea de palo de metal a la máquina.
3) abre el software, mientras tanto, mano el palo de metal, y elige comenzar a probar.
4) 1 minutos, mostrará automáticamente el resultado de la prueba.