MAIKONG-Professional Quantum Resonance Magnetic Analyzer Supplier
  • Specifications

quantum analyzer 2015

What is quantum analyzer 2015 Applications?

What is quantum analyzer 2015 Applications?

1,Health practitioners: Family doctors, acupuncturists, nutritional therapists, reflexologies, alternative, naturopathic and holistic practitioners, etc.
2 , Members of the Spa and Wellness Industry.

3, Corporations and communities who would like to have a general health assessment of their employees or members without the need to expensive work ups (even before they become grossly ill and in need of hospitalization or expensive medications).

4,Companies that produce or sell health products.

5,Families who want to monitor the health condition of their members
6, acupuncturist

Why we need quantum analyzer 2015?

Why we need quantum analyzer 2015?

1. Professional:
Many medical experts spent many years studying a large number of cases and invented this instrument. A lack of energy in the meridians over a long time will lead to organic and even psychological discomfort. With the help of this instrument, it’s possible to detect deficiencies before symptoms start to appear. Plus, health care suggestion can be given for necessary treatment. Similar system has been in use for Russian astronauts for over 15 years.

2. Comprehensive:
Our quantum health analyzer can make a comprehensive examination to human body. After the test, 22 health reports can be obtained.

3. Accurate:
The statistical analysis of health is carried out rigorously by using scientific methods and it is approved by a large number of clinical practices. The accuracy rate of this healthcare product can reach up to 90%.

4. Ahead:
Our quantum health analyzer can detect health changes before obvious symptoms and signs of disease appear. The early detection will make for early treatment.

5. Simple:
The operation of this healthcare equipment is quite easy. Users can master the detecting techniques after a short-term training.

6. Convenient:
Through using this health instrument, health check can be made anytime and anywhere. This will save time for patients.

7. Economic:
The cost of testing is quite reasonable, acceptable for average consumer.

8. Security:
The health check is made in a non-invasive way, so the instrument will not harm human body.

quantum analyzer 2015 41 Reports

quantum analyzer 2015 41 Reports

1 Cardiovascular and Cerebrovascular
2 Gastrointestinal Function
3 Liver Function
4 Large Intestine Function
5 Gallbladder Function
6 Pancreatic Function
7 Kidney Function
8 Lung Function
9 Brain Nerve
10 Bone Disease
11 Bone Mineral Density
12 Rheumatoid Bone Disease
13 Bone Growth Index
14 Blood Sugar
15 Trace Element
16 Vitamin
17 Amino Acid
18 Coenzyme
19 Endocrine System
20 Immune System
21 Human Toxin
22 Heavy Metal
23 Basic Physical Quality
24 Allergy
25 Obesity
26 Skin
27 Eye
28 Collagen
29 Channels and collaterals
30 Pulse of heart and brain
31 Blood lipids
32 Gynecology (female)
33 Breast (female)
34 Menstrual cycle (female)
35 Prostate (male)
36 Male Sexual Function (male)
37 Sperm and semen (male)
38 Element of Human
39 Comprehensive Report
40 Thyroid

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