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Argentina David Q:Hola,Hello,quantum therapy analyzer,A few days ago I bought a quantum analyzer that doesn’t work for me. Because the software it came with is 4.7 and I need the 4.3 software. I would like to get in touch so I can download it so it works for me. Thanks.
MAIKONG MARK A:hellO,can you send me your machine picture?
Argentina David Q:Yes of Course
MAIKONG MARK A:what color usb key,show me your usb key
Argentina David Q:It’s yellow,I tried the software that came with a CD and a pendrive and it doesn’t work. I understand that it is 4.7, which it came with, but it asks me if it is 4.3, which I don’t have.
MAIKONG MARK A:4.3 4.7 too old,do you need it?quantum analyzer software 4.3 and 4.7 version too old
Argentina David Q:I’m from argentina
MAIKONG MARK A:Our software need our usb key support,Do you want to try?I not sure your usb key can open our software,if you need,i send it to you
Argentina David Q:I have the software installed on the computer, but it is not detected.Yes i need it
MAIKONG MARK A:if you have intalled the software,you can connect the machien with your pc and open the software,if not working, you check the power on or not
Argentina David Q:My native language is Spanish, can you speak to me more slowly so I can understand you?
MAIKONG MARK A:we have spanish version software
Argentina David Q:Can I send you a video of what I do so you can understand what the problem is?The video tells us that we connect the machine to the PC and do the reading with the bar, but it doesn’t show me any data. It only shows the software, but not the description of what it is reading.The USB key is connected, but it does not read anything according to the log you are holding.What do you recommend I do?
MAIKONG MARK A:Hola, acabo de ver tu vídeo y la fuente de alimentación de la máquina está activada. El software se abre normalmente. Al probarlo, sugiere que el dispositivo no se puede encontrar, por lo general dos razones: 1 Hay un problema con el puerto de la computadora, intenta probar en la misma computadora, cambiar una prueba diferente PUERTO USB También puede intentar instalar el software en otro equipo, probar si está funcionando. 2 instrumento USB primer problema usted reemplaza el cable USB 3 El dispositivo tiene un problema, a continuación, para encontrar a su vendedor para hacer la garantía.
Argentina David Q:Well, I tried it on another computer and it didn’t work either. The problem is that they bought it in the United States and sent it to me. I didn’t buy it, they sent it to me from the United States.
MAIKONG MARK A:El software se abre correctamente y suele ir bien, creo que es un problema del ordenador o del hardware de la máquina.
Argentina David Q:Bueno lo probé en otra computadora y tampoco me funcionaba El problema es que me lo compraron en Estados Unidos y me lo mandaron No lo compré yo me lo mandaron desde Estados Unidos,I changed the USB ports as you suggested, I’m recording a video to show you, but the LEDs still appear on the machine in the analyzer, but it does not read through the software.
Argentina David Q:Yes, I have already tested it on three computers, a desktop computer and two laptops, and we always reached the same distance where the LEDs were lit, but the analyzer did not give me any information.
MAIKONG MARK A:Puede ser que el hardware del dispositivo esté roto: 1 El cable USB está roto 2 La placa base del dispositivo está rota
Argentina David Q:El problema que tengo es que el software es versión 4.7 y el firmware es 4.3 por lo que entiendo es que: o debo tener un firmware 4.7 o debo tener la versión de software 4.3 para que ambos sean compatibles,The problem I have is that the software is version 4.7 and the firmware is 4.3 so what I understand is that: either I must have a firmware 4.7 or I must have the software version 4.3 for both to be compatible.
MAIKONG MARK A:En general, el programa es compatible con el
Argentina David Q:Tienes para enviarme la versión 4.3 de software,O la versión de firmware 4 7
MAIKONG MARK A:Si crees que no es compatible, tienes que buscar a tu vendedor y pedirle que te envíe una versión específica del software.Su equipo no es propiedad de nuestra empresa, sólo ofrecemos asesoramiento.I send u our software,you usb key can’t open our software
Argentina David Q:Thank you very much, I appreciate that you have responded and sent me the software.
MAIKONG MARK A:english or spansih?quantum analyzer spanish 2024 version,sending