MAIKONG-Fournisseur professionnel d'analyseurs magnétiques à résonance quantique



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Quantum massage therapy Machine

September 27, 2017

What is quantum massage therapy Machine?

bio quantum

The quantum massage therapy Machine replaces the need for ultrasonic, nuclear magnetic resonance or radiography for various health related conditions. Simply by holding sensors in your palm, health data will be collected within minutes from various body systems. The magnetic resonance analyzer offers new advantages in the field of material analysis. It has been shown that the applicability of such an analyzer exceeds the range of tissue analysis and other medical applications. The quantum massage therapy Machine measures the degree and type of response of a matter under test, and by comparison with reference matter it assists in recognizing deviations from the desired response. Quantum Magnetic Analyzer: Principle of Analysis

Le corps humain est un agrégat de nombreuses cellules, qui se développent en continu, se divisent, se régénèrent et meurent. En se séparant, les cellules se renouvellent. Pour les adultes, environ 25 millions de cellules se divisent chaque seconde et les cellules sanguines se renouvellent constamment à un rythme d'environ 100 millions par minute. Dans le processus de séparation cellulaire et de renouvellement, les corps chargés de noyau et d'électrons extranucléaires comme unité de base d'une cellule se déplacent et changent sans cesse à grande vitesse, émettant des ondes électromagnétiques sans interruption. Les signaux des ondes électromagnétiques émis par les corps humains représentent la condition spécifique du corps humain et, par conséquent, différents signaux d'ondes électromagnétiques seront émis par les conditions de bonne santé, de sous-santé, de maladies, etc. Les conditions de vie peuvent être analysées si Ces signaux d'ondes électromagnétiques spécifiques peuvent être analysés.

The quantum massage therapy Machine is a new instrument to analyze such phenomenon. The weak magnetic frequency and energy of human body are collected by holding the sensor, and after amplification by the instrument and treatment by the built-in micro-processor, the data are compared with the standard quantum resonant spectrum of diseases, nutrition and other indicators incorporated in the instrument to judge whether the sample waveforms are irregular using the Fourier approach. Analysis and judgment can thus be made on health condition and main problems of the testee based on the result of waveform analysis, as well as standard protective and curative proposals. Analysis Items

indonesia Quantum Resonance Magnetic Analyzer software Course 20 indonesia Quantum Resonance Magnetic Analyzer software Course 21

The method of quantum massage therapy Machine is an emerging rapid, accurate and non-invasive spectral testing method and particularly suitable for comparison of curative effects medicine and health products, and check of sub-health conditions. The main analysis items are over 30, including cardiovascular and cerebrovascular condition, bone mineral density, trace elements, blood lead, rheumatism, lung and respiratory tract, nephropathy, blood sugar, stomach and intestines, liver and gall, cranial nerves, gynecology, prostate, bone disease, the trace elements of selenium, iron, zinc and calcium, etc.

What Report Test the Quantum massage therapy Machine?

The Quantum Health Analyzer Have 41 Reports
1 Cardiovascular and Cerebrovascular22 Heavy Metal
2 Gastrointestinal Function23 Basic Physical Quality
3 Liver Function24 Allergy
4 Large Intestine Function25 Obesity
5 Gallbladder Function26 Skin
6 Pancreatic Function27 Eye
7 Kidney Function28 Collagen
8 Lung Function29 Channels and collaterals
9 Brain Nerve30 Pulse of heart and brain
10 Bone Disease31 Blood lipids
11 Bone Mineral Density32 Gynecology (female)
12 Rheumatoid Bone Disease33 Breast (female)
13 Bone Growth Index34 Menstrual cycle (female)
14 Blood Sugar35 Prostate (male)
15 Trace Element36 Male Sexual Function (male)
16 Vitamin37 Sperm and semen (male)
17 Amino Acid38 Element of Human
18 Coenzyme39 Comprehensive Report
19 Endocrine System40 Thyroid
20 Immune System41 ADHD (kids younger than 10 years old)
21 Human Toxin

how to use the Quantum Resonance Magnetic Analyzer version software Indonesian 4.0.0 3 how to use the Quantum Resonance Magnetic Analyzer version software Indonesian 4.0.0 23

How to use it?

1) install software in PC

2) connect all of lines, such as USB Drive to PC, USB Key (open the software use),

the metal stick line to Machine.

3) ouvrez le logiciel, pendant ce temps, remettez le bâton métallique et choisissez de commencer les tests.

4) 1 minute, le résultat du test s'affichera automatiquement.

Quantum massage therapy Machine

How it work Fucntion?

  • Easy to operate, stylish design, super material and soft, comfortable.
  • It can be connected with computer to show the test process.
  • It comes diagnosis and therapy system.
  • It comes with automatic treatment which can auto-select the acupoints.
  • Ear and hands acupuncture points stimulation.
  • Chinese Medicine Meridian Theory combined with Modern Medical Technology.
  • No bleeding, tumidness and bruise. No side effects, no rebounding phenomenon.
  • It has long lasting effects for your healthy.
  • The treatment time is short and no need to have a rest, no effects to your normal life and work.
  • The system database is based on ster health statistic and built by a large number clinical authentication.
  • Quantum therapy analyzer 2 in 1 Function: Quantum magnetic health analyzer with therapy functions and massage therapy pads, therapy slipper foot massage.
  • The computer electrotherapy and acupuncture therapy provides the therapy through the acupoints in projecting parts of body, readjusting the functions of the pathological organs
  • It come with a strong function which can predict without symptoms, with only 10 more or less cells of pathological change, the analyzer can capture whether the pathological changes or not and predict the precursor of disease. With this future, you can take a health-care actions at any moment, so you will be enabled to prevent the various chronic diseased effectively.
  • Speed: Multiple indicators of your health can be obtained within minutes. This analysis method is designed to save your time and energy.
  • Accuracy: The database of the analysis system has been established with scientific method, strict health statistic treatment and demonstration of a large number of clinical cases, leading thus to a high analysis accuracy.
  • The function is non-invasive and painless, the analysis will tell you the condition of your health without hemanalysis or radiography
  • Simple and convenient: The operation of this health care equipment is quite easy. Users can master the detecting techniques after a short-term training. Through using this health instrument, health check can be made anytime and anywhere. It is convenient for using.

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What Languages of the software:

English,German, Portuguese, Slovak ,Malaysia,

Spanish,Korean,French,Thai, English-Malaysia,

Chinese-Malaysia, English-Chinese etc.

How to use the quantum massage therapy Machine software?

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