MAIKONG-Professional Quantum Resonance Magnetic Analyzer Supplier

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2015 free download quantum resonance magnetic analyzer software

What is 2015 free download quantum resonance magnetic analyzer software?

What is 2015 free download quantum resonance magnetic analyzer software?

There is an old saying in the medical field: Prevention is Better than Cure!
This is a very good reason: no one can think of, though not sick, but the moody all day long people would be a healthy person! Also can not imagine a physiological function while normal, but out of tune, and those around them, bringing the total to others and his own unhappy people will be a healthy, able-bodied person.The Quantum Magnetic Resonance Analyzer replaces the need for ultrasonic, nuclearmagnetic resonance or radiography for various health related conditions. Simply by holding sensors in your palm, health data will be collected within minutes from various body systems. The magnetic resonance analyzer offers new advantages in the field of material analysis. It has been shown that the applicability of such an analyzer exceeds the range of tissue analysis and other medical applications. The magnetic resonance analyzer measures the degree and type of response of a matter under test, and by comparison with reference matter it assists in recognizing deviations from the desired response.

What is 2015 free download quantum resonance magnetic analyzer software advantage?

What is 2015 free download quantum resonance magnetic analyzer software advantage?

Prediction without symptoms: With only 10 or so cells of pathological change, the analyzer can capture the change pathological changes of cells and predict the precursor of disease. By taking health-care actions at this moment, you will be enabled to effectively prevent the various chronic diseases.
Speed and accuracy: Multiple indicators of your health can be obtained within minutes. This analysis method is designed to save your time and energy. The database of the analysis system has been established with scientific method, strict health statistic treatment and demonstration of a large number of clinical cases, leading thus to a high analysis accuracy.
Non-invasive and painless: The analysis will tell you the condition of your health without hemanalysis or radiography.
Simple and convenient: It is easy in operation and in general, people will be able to analyze and interpret the result through short-term training. Health check can be performed in any place and at any time, saving the time of patients. The cost for analysis is adequate and can be accepted by most consumers.
It can be connected to computer to show the test process.

What Precautions of 2015 free download quantum resonance magnetic analyzer software?

What Precautions of 2015 free download quantum resonance magnetic analyzer software?

Guidelines: Patient

-Test should be conducted 1 hour before or after meal

-Rest at least 1/2 hour after exercise

-Remove all metallic objects, hand phone, pocket PC etc

-Remove shoes & socks; Reveal all the 24 testing points around the wrists and ankles

-Stay calm, relax, do not talk. Lie down if possible or sit with legs elevated, both legs away from the ground

-Ladies should not take up the test during her menstrual period. Patients who have pacemakers are prohibited from doing this test as the frequency emitted from the Quantum may interfere with the pacemaker or any other electronic device within the body.

Those people not suitable to use this machine:

– Children below 12 years

– Handicap person

– Those that have pacemakers or any other electronic device in the body

– Under Long Term Medication

– Women having their Monthly Menstruation

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