quantum analyzer with therapy machine
quantum analyzer with therapy machine
quantum analyzer with therapy machine
What is Quantum analyzer with therapy machine & Massage Therapy
ALSO KNOWN AS Quantum analyzer with therapy machine
It is a Complete Diagnosis and Therapy System
* Computer electrotherapy and acupuncture provides the therapy through the acupoints in projecting parts of body, readjusting the functions of the pathological organs.
Automatic Treatment – Auto-selection of Acupoints
Scientic research discovers that, the bio-resistance of acupuncture point is lower than ordinary skin. Moreover, when an organ has pathological change, bioelectric resistance of corresponding auricular point even lower than healthy one, using this machine to detect and treat, the biologic current flow to this point area will be enhanced, then come into alarming or strong stimulation. This is the design theory of the machine, also the therapy theory of detect auto-alarming and treat auto-choosing point.
This employs the principle that electrical resistance of the pathological acupuncture points along the channels affected is lower than the surrounding skin and the electric current seeks out these points on the skin and sends electrical impulses flowing along these channels. Electrodes in close apposition to the external ear select these points automatically. The skin is not punctured, and there is no side effects.
The stimulator provides the therapy through the acupuncture points in projecting parts of body, dredging the channels and points, readjusting the functions of the pathological organs by strengthening the cell biological vitality, increasing the blood circulations, building a strong immune system, keeping the body in a balanced environment. Different from the temprary treatment of western medicine, Medicomat apparatus is a permanent solution dedicated to restore balanced functions of human organs.
The user does not need to have any knowledge of acupuncture points, and the only action he or she needs to take is the adjustment of the intensity of the electrical impulse according to his or her tolerance.
Quantum therapy analyzer 2 in 1 Function: Quantum magnetic health analyzer with therapy functions massage therapy pads, therapy slipper foot massage, EAR AND HANDS acupuncture points Stimulation
Quantum Health Analyzer Product Description:
The Quantum analyzer with therapy machine replaces the need for ultrasonic, nuclear magnetic resonance or radiography for various health related conditions. Simply by holding sensors in your palm, health data will be collected within minutes from various body systems. The magnetic resonance analyzer offers new advantages in the field of material analysis. It has been shown that the applicability of such an analyzer exceeds the range of tissue analysis and other medical applications. The magnetic resonance analyzer measures the degree and type of response of a matter under test, and by comparison with reference matter it assists in recognizing deviations from the desired response. Quantum Magnetic Analyzer: Principle of Analysis
Human body is an aggregate of numerous cells, which continuously grow develop, split, regenerate and die. By splitting up, cells renew themselves. For adult people, about 25 million cells are splitting up every second and blood cells are constantly renewing at a rate of about 100 million per minute. In the process of cellular split-up and renewal, the charged bodies of nucleus and extranuclear electrons as the basis unit of a cell are moving and changing ceaselessly at a high speed as well, emitting electromagnetic waves without interruption. The signals of electromagnetic waves emitted by human bodies represent the specific condition of human body and therefore, different signals of electromagnetic waves will be emitted by the conditions of good health, sub-health, diseases, etc. The conditions of life can be analyzed if such specific electromagnetic wave signals can be analyzed.
The quantum resonant magnetic analyzer is a new instrument to analyze such phenomenon. The weak magnetic frequency and energy of human body are collected by holding the sensor, and after amplification by the instrument and treatment by the built-in micro-processor, the data are compared with the standard quantum resonant spectrum of diseases, nutrition and other indicators incorporated in the instrument to judge whether the sample waveforms are irregular using the Fourier approach. Analysis and judgment can thus be made on health condition and main problems of the testee based on the result of waveform analysis, as well as standard protective and curative proposals. Analysis Items
The method of quantum resonant magnetic analysis is an emerging rapid, accurate and non-invasive spectral testing method and particularly suitable for comparison of curative effects medicine and health products, and check of sub-health conditions. The main analysis items are over 30, including cardiovascular and cerebrovascular condition, bone mineral density, trace elements, blood lead, rheumatism, lung and respiratory tract, nephropathy, blood sugar, stomach and intestines, liver and gall, cranial nerves, gynecology, prostate, bone disease, the trace elements of selenium, iron, zinc and calcium, etc.
What advantage Quantum analyzer with therapy machine?
Easy to operate, stylish design, super material and soft, comfortable.
It can be connected with computer to show the test process.
It comes diagnosis and therapy system.
It comes with automatic treatment which can auto-select the acupoints.
Ear and hands acupuncture points stimulation.
Chinese Medicine Meridian Theory combined with Modern Medical Technology.
No bleeding, tumidness and bruise. No side effects, no rebounding phenomenon.
It has long lasting effects for your healthy.
The treatment time is short and no need to have a rest, no effects to your normal life and work.
The system database is based on ster health statistic and built by a large number clinical authentication.
quantum analyzer with therapy machine
quantum analyzer with therapy machine
quantum analyzer with therapy machine
Quantum analyzer with therapy machine package And Compatible with operate computer system?
Color Box Carton box.
Gross weight: 1.2kg
Packing dimension: 23.83*8*21CM
Outer packing dimension: 45.5*23*50CM(10piece/lot)
Compatible with operate computer system:
1.Win98, Win Me, ( install Microsoft Office is premise)
2. Win XP, Vista, Win 7, Win 8 32&64bits
3.Win 2000 series , Win 2008 Server series
What difference between the original and fake Quantum analyzer with therapy machine
By www.qra-software.com
The simplified form of original one is A, the simplified form of fake one is B.
A: we have CE certification and software copyright certificates as well as the trademark registration certificate.
B: No product relevant certificates, but some supplier claim they have certification. We can check the certificate ID on official website.
A: Instrument box materials use high-grade aluminum alloy, panel is made of high-grade acrylic,and the whole surface is smooth, with good quality to keep about 5-10 years normal use.
B: Instrument box materials use the inferior aluminum alloy, and panel is made of low-grade square timber, the whole surface is rough, It is not durable because poor quality surface easy to damage
A: Accuracy range 85%-90%, can test female and male total 39 report,
B: Poor accuracy, software unstable, it is a big gap between twice testing report.
A: With children testing function. 4 report for age 1-10 years old children, trace elements, amino acid, vitamin, and coenzyme. The test items have been constantly increasing and improving.
B: Without children test function
A: Circuit board uses LED widescreen colorful display lamp, dual-core processor, much increase the compatibility, stability, accuracy and running speed.
B:Both the 3rd generation and the 2nd generation use the old circuit board, no LED light show, using mononuclear processor, run slow and poor accuracy. Because it less compatibility and stability, actually it can’t be upgraded and fixed. So they mention offer free upgrade forever just a lie.
A: Added “contrast analysis” function, people can do comparing testing in different time, so that get the result what’s human body change after eat or drink something.
B: Without contrast analysis function, the report accuracy is poor, Not in responsible for customers’ health.
A: According to client request. , software and hardware all accept OEM production, OEM production cycle is generally need a month, the details is according to the OEM order quantity of the client.
B: Software and hardware can’t make OEM production, because they just crack our early software version, and nosoftware source code. The second generation and third generation in the market just replaced boot interface diagram, the version number name. Most of the them are installed together with virus, can’t be compatible with many kinds of operating systems. Software is not stable and less compatibility. The original instrument won’t appear the questions above.
A: Software can be stable operation in Win2K/XP / 2003 / Vista/Win7/Win8 (32bits and 64bits), and other operating system, fully compatible.
B: Software can’t operate normally in Win7/8 (64 bit operating system), completely not compatible, and may even lead to the operating system blank screen and even paralysis
A: Software can be permanently free upgraded; you can freely download in our website: www.qra-software.com
B: Software can’t be upgraded
A: we have professional after-sales service system, and provide 24-hour service our hot line is, help you solve the problems of analyzer when using.
B: No perfect after-sale service, Even you don’t know how to contact the suppliers after purchase the instrument.Also if they are just sell the instrument but do not understand the products, without software copyright, also those suppliers have no way to settle any software problem.
Thinking about it, many suppliers even just someone resell the analyzer in B2B or B2C website ( Ebey, DHgate things ), they even don’t know the machine. If you meet any question, they won’t answer you or solve the problem, they can’t solve.
Buy from offical website, it is a brand with factory, designer, engineer, after-sales team. No mater what’s the problem, they have skill to solve it.
Completely customers managing system and warranty card will keep you get all services. Of course much better accessories and quality.
The most important thing is: Our without agent and representive in foreign, many fake analyzer copy from us, we don’t recognize it.
When asking after-sales services, please offer warranty card and buying information.Or we refuse to serve for fake analyzer.
Examples 1:
Note: In near years, some suppliers claim they are the original manufacturers produce the quantum resonance magnetic analyzer to lay the client, but they sale the fake one.
When the client enquiry the Quantum analyzer with therapy machine, some fake suppliers claim they are manufacturers, offer the original one, but in fact, this is a trap, when the client believe it,after place order received the parcel, then find that they got the fake machine, not original one, not manual ,not warranty card, not after sale service, they don’t know how t use it ,so must go online find the original suppliers enquiry the manual and how to operation it.Also some time the fake products appear many problems can’t be solved.
quantum bioelectric system
quantum bio resonance analyzer
Examples 2:
After some client purchase the fake products, when they happy start to install the software, insert the USB key into pc, open the software, the problem have appear, “Can not find your Encryption Lock, please insert into” why happen this?
Can’t working normal?
Yes, boz the fake products software are unstable, some time can’t be compatible your computer operating system. So you need to to find a good quality and best original software. Actually, the encryption key also fake, they just crack the original encryption key ID and make it work, in fact it is not compatible with “security” under installation software. So even you ask new software from other suppliers, the machine still now work.
We have professional upgrade website and got many help message from buyers who bought fake analyzer from others.
Here is some screenshot:
We don’t have agent, distributors
or partners in other countries.
But many fake analyzer will said they are our agent
It’s all a lie.
Our machine will come with warranty card, they don’t.
Can email me to get further information.
Another sample:
Hi,I need to download the installation
May i know what’s the problem on your analyzer?
Yes, I bought the analyzer a few month ago, but the software is not work on Win8 on starting, now it is not work on any system, get an error “Encryption key ID error, please replace”
what should I suppose to do?
are you sure you bought the original anlayzer?
yes, the supplier said they offer original, and offer lifetime software upgrade, but I lose contact with them, could you please help? miss, I really need this, please help
do you remeber where did you bought from?
I bought it from Amazon, but I have no way to contact them now
ok….if you have no way to find your supplier, how can you sure the gurranty and services. all 3rd generation original can support win7/win8 system, I think you may bought the fake analyzer, can’t be fixed this problem, I will still offer software for your try. May I know your name and email please.