WHAT IS QuantumBIO Resonance?

Chronic diseases, such as cardiovascular, pulmonary, cancer and diabetes, are the leading causes of death in the world. According to the first global report on noncommunicable diseases, which has just been published by the World Health Organization (WHO), they were responsible for 36 million deaths in 2008 – 63% of the world total.
Together, diseases called noncommunicable diseases kill more people around the world than malaria, HIV and tuberculosis – even in poor countries. “This increase in the number of cases is a huge challenge and needs to be circumvented as soon as possible,” says Margaret Chan, WHO Director-General.
According to the WHO report, thousands of lives could be saved if risk factors, such as cigarette, drink and overweight, were avoided and controlled. Only cigarette and secondhand smoke, for example, are responsible for 6 million deaths worldwide each year. According to the organization, by 2020 this number should rise to 7.5 million, about 10% of all deaths caused by diseases.
In addition, 3.2 million people die annually from lack of physical activity. At least 2.8 million are overweight or obese. Already high alcohol consumption kills 2.5 million.
According to WHO, even in Africa, where communicable diseases are the main risk, the number of patients with cardiovascular, lung, cancer, or diabetes problems is growing. And the increase has been so significant that these diseases must outnumber those that are transmissible by 2020.
Within this context, the QuantumBIO Movement emerges, whose objective is to provide the population with health-related information and services, providing social well-being and harmony and contributing to the development of future generations.
Being part of the QuantumBIO Movement is very easy, as well as being free. Just take part in one of our Health and Prevention Seminars held monthly at our accredited units. See agenda by clicking here.
By joining the QuantumBIO Movement, you get a personal identification card and have a number of advantages, extended to the family, such as discounts for health evaluations, discounts on products, special gifts and more.

QuantumBIO Resonance is an evolution in the QuantumBIO Method, as it allows the user to have access to it through state-of-the-art software.
The equipment has the frequencies of toxic metals, alloys, amalgams, parasites, radiation, food and medicines, as well as their respective neutralizers.
It prints reports, generates charts, and enables accurate individual analyzes. With very intuitive software, it is very easy to use, being a tool complementary to traditional analyzes.
To acquire QuantumBIO Resonance you must complete a training course taught by QuantumBIO.
In this course, the student will learn the scientific basis of Bioresonance for a better understanding of the functioning of the equipment and its argumentation with the patient.
With a practical focus, the course will provide the student with knowledge for quick application in the office

quantum bio
quantum biosystems
quantum bio electric system
quantum bio analyzer
quantum bio analyser